I think the movie with Bill Murray make more sense than what happened on my date last night.
I had been looking forward to this date after texting about music for two weeks. It is rare that I meet a man who is just as into music as I am. He had text me throughout my week of the flu, which I found endearing as another man simply said "I'm glad I got a flu shot two weeks before I went out with you because you could have made me sick". (Thanks JACKASS).
We met at a cozy jazz club in the East Village called Rue B. He is a young, cute, newbie from "across the pond". We jumped into an intense conversation about music and traveling, that was interrupted by a crazy woman who practically jumped on our table. The guests next to us said "Welcome to New York! That lady harassed us just before you sat down". He laughed it off and we decided to share a bottle of wine after my usual Kettle One martini. I suddenly realized I was wasted and against my better judgement decided on straight Jack at the second bar. I thought I was going to get sick as I had nothing in my stomach to absorb the alcohol. I decided to take charge of the date and took him to a Brett Ratner movie after party. I don't remember the cab ride there because I was focusing on not puking out the window. I came to once we crossed the street to The Chelsea Room. I felt 25 again, when you just let go and enjoy being spontaneous. We laughed and danced for a moment until we both looked at each other and decided to go somewhere more low key. I took him to Rosebar to relax and play pool. We grabbed the table as soon as we walked in and had just started to play when this guy comes over and asks if he and his girlfriend can play with us. We agreed, which in the end was the mistake of the night.
I realized I was too drunk to play and became completely sidetracked talking to an old crush. I actually left my date to play alone as I went to the bar to catch up with some old friends. I kept my eye on the my date and the creepy guy playing pool. When I walked back to the table I finally had an affectionate moment alone with my date, until the creep appeared right behind us. He was like a leech to my date the entire time we were at Rosebar. At 3:30am, I found myself sitting at a table snuggling next to my date with the creep and his friend sitting with us giving me the evil eye. Luckily, I made fast friends with a fabulous gay guy who sat down next to me.
4:00am rolls around and I go to the bathroom. My date followed me, and the creep followed close behind him. We walked outside and the creep followed and asked us what our plans were. I said "we are just hanging out". He proceeded to get into a cab, then got out of the cab and walked back over to us and asked the same question again? I pulled my date away and complained about how creepy this guy was. My date asked me what I would like to do and then said "Can I be really honest with you? I am really REALLY drunk and I like you. I want a second, third, fourth, and fifth date with you, so I don't want to go home with you and look like an idiot." At first I thought this was sweet, but then I watched him look over at the creep and his male friend.
Aries: "Are you going with them?!"
Date: "Yes." He deadpans.
Aries: "Why?!"
Date: "They don't mean anything to me. I don't care about them, but I do care about you. Do you understand?"
I looked at him, then the creeps, then back at him.
Aries: "No?! I don't!"
I was intoxicated, but even if I was sober I would not have been able to process that my date was choosing to go home with two males that he had just met, over me at 4:00am?? I couldn't even think of anything to say so I just mumbled "Uh, ok....I'm just going to take this cab then". I didn't even look back to see what was happening. I slumped in the cab completely astonished and confused. I immediately BBM'd my new gay best friend to get his opinion. "GAY" he wrote back. UGH!!! I seriously think I am not meant to date in New York City. I think I have now officially seen it all.
I woke up 3 hours later like a zombie rising from a grave. I was fully clothed and squinting with mascara raccoon eyes as I walked to the shower. I was hoping that it was all just a bad dream, which my gay friends quickly reminded me it is my reality. They kept me laughing all day long as they responded to my S.O.S messages from 4am. I was shocked when my date text me "Thanks for an awesome evening :)". What "awesome" evening?? I played pimp to my own date to someone of the opposite sex! Glad he had fun taking it up the ass or whatever he chose to do with the creeps at 4:30am. He then invited me to go to the MOMA with him on Saturday. I can just be friends with him, but my fabulous nights are now reserved for my good friends. Everyone else can find their own dates and not waste my precious time in New York.
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