I just read about the horrifying 'choice' airline passengers are now afforded. Essentially, either submit to a full-body scan machine or an 'enhanced pat-down'. I'd already read a bit about the full-body scanner, but they've just implimented the enhanced pat-down. I'm floored that this is allowed under the guise of security.
Full Body Scanners:
1. These machines use ionizing radiation, which is damaging to your DNA. It's especially harmful to women who are pregnant or may become pregnant(!), children and those who have or have had skin cancer.
2. The effect is cumulative, meaning your risk increases each time you submit to a scan.
3. TSA agents (who are only required to have a high school diploma or GED and very little training) will see a full image of your naked body, genitals included. One man recently complained that the TSA agents were mocking his small penis after the scan.
4. All passengers must submit to the Full Body Scanner, including children, the elderly, those recovering from cancer, etc. If you choose to "opt out" of the scanner, your only other option is the Enhanced Pat-Down.
Enhanced Pat-Down
1. Deceptive in its terminology, an enhanced pat-down includes aggressive touching of the genitals. This includes being touched INSIDE your garments. (e.g. up your skirt)
2. Children are required to submit to the full pat-down as well. This begs the question - how do you teach your children that they should never be inappropriately touched, except for if it's someone in a uniform!? Incredibly dangerous.
3. What about rape survivors or sexual assault survivors? Talk about re-traumatizing.
4. Those who have endured serious illness, and have complicated medical devices have no choice but to submit to the enhanced pat-down. One woman speaks of having to remove her masectomy prosthesis and reveal her scars.
We should not be forced to inure this literal stripping of our rights, simply because we purchased a plane ticket. This is 'Sophie's Choice' of airline travel.
Read a more eloquent account here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/19/business/19security.html?pagewanted=1
and be sure to check out the comments section, where people who have already experienced this have written about their ordeal.
TSA's specious logic cannot continue unchecked. Many Americans have decided to participate in Opt Out Day. They are refusing to fly on one of the biggest travel days of the year: next Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Read more here: http://wewontfly.com/
image from www.optoutday.com
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