So Scorpio's optimism (along with repetitive commercials) was contagious and made me attempt online dating again. The last time I made this decision I swore I would never do it again! Looking back I have no idea if I even had a screening process?? I mean my last online date started with me ice skating with Billy Crystal's ugly cousin and later shutting myself in my room for 2 days.
I have actually come into a great place in life, a place of happiness, so what does a month or two really matter?? It is better to flirt somehow than completely go dark in winter hibernation.
Well, it is now day 2 and all I do is delete...HAHA. I have realized that I am a catch and will settle for nothing less than another catch. I am looking for a nice guy, but have become increasingly picky. A picture with an arm band tattoo, bad shirt, or gummy smile is an immediate NO. Then I laughed because I started to search on the west coast. Just as I imagined the gorgeous, sensitive, TALL men are hanging out on the beach over there. Meanwhile, I continue to get winks and stupid one liners from short Jewish men, divorcees, or complete lanky social nerds.
I am happy that this only makes my new life plan only seem greater! Everything lately is showing the path I have chosen is meant to be.
In the new issue of Harper's Bazaar notorious single gal, Jennifer Aniston, interviews happily married mommy Nicole Kidman. I have always admired Nicole for the way she carries herself and really love her answer to a poignant, yet simple question:
Jennifer: "What would you tell your 20 year old you?"
Nicole: "I would tell myself to have more fun, enjoy this. There was a lot of unnecessary angst. You may as well enjoy things. You're going to turn 30. Are you going to dread it? No, it's happening. This is awesome! Don't worry about something going away, enjoy it while it's happening. Don't worry about something that's not even real".
Prior to this question Nicole admitted her loneliness in life and fear of being alone forever. Her words are SO true for single women everywhere!! I think we all go through hell in our 20's and sometimes feel life will never change. She had her ups and downs and now has the life she always wanted at the perfect time in her life. I have actually heard of this phenomenon happening to my friends after they turn 30. Does life really know when it should come together?
I have learned my lesson! Here is to living up the last 2 years of my 20's!! I hope all you other 20 somethings out there will join me!
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