I had an amazing workout at Equinox, followed by a late dinner with Scorpio at L'artusi. Then it was off to see my fuck buddy, whom I shall start to call J.R. He had just walked in from a black tie benefit, so the loose tie and cufflinks only made the moment sexier. He greeted me with a long hug and kiss. We sat on the couch to catch up a bit, which never lasts very long. He pulled me over his lap and started our sessions before I could even undress. Right when things really started to get heated, something started to seriously irritate my eye. It felt like glass was tearing into my eyeball with every blink. I tried to see it and flush it out, then he tried without success. I was in tremendous pain that he helped soothe with gentle kisses and creative sex. I will choose to be a lady and not tell too much, but his tie became a useful prop, the talk was dirtier than ever, and the orgasms more intense. Then it was back to the bathroom with a Maglite flashlight to tend to my eye. He was really amazing in crisis mode. Again, there was no luck in mending my eye, so we just fucked again all the while I held a warm compress to my eye.
There was one moment that threw me off...he asked if I missed him while he was away?! I like that he is sweet, but I get a sense that the sex with no strings attached may have been wishful thinking.
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