Brunch in Malibu, on a random Thursday afternoon, made me rethink my city and career choice.....

LA weather

The Standard Hotel rooftop in Downtown LA

AMAZING new Tom Ford store on Rodeo

Quick stop at The Beverly Hills Hotel

It had been almost 5 years since I have been back to the West Coast, so I was anxious to see how I would feel. I truly lived the Hollywood life at a time when I had no idea who I really was. It was amazing for me to feel the person that I am today, compared to the young girl I was back then. I did slide back into my old ways by texting a former flame. We had this crazy text/sex relationship that was a tease for both of us. I text him after a birthday party on Friday night. I was wearing a C.F.M dress and my new nude Louboutins so I was up to my usual antics. The next day he text me to continue the tease. We decided to just go with it and meet for a drink at his local hotspot out of pure curiousity. I initially walked right by him, but then our eyes met and we smiled and hugged like old friends. He had just explained the past 4 years of his life, when the ex he just spoke of walked by the table and sat directly in his view. Apparently, she was the serious ex, the one he chose to move in with, but then move away from. Three months ago it ended badly and now I was caught directly in the middle. I laughed and joked that I thought I was the only one who shit like that would happen to. He became incredibly uncomfortable and tried to talk to her, but that was a disaster. The last thing I wanted on my mini-vaca was drama, so he walked me to my rental car and told me to call him later tonight. I decided to treat my best friend (who was the entire purpose of my trip) to a nice dinner and ignore any desire to start a night of seduction and trouble. He text me and I decided to close that chapter, but extended my friendship if he should ever come to the East Coast. I fell asleep dreaming of my boy toys back in New York. It took almost all of my twenties, but I am so happy to see how I have grown into my own regardless of external circumstances.
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