I had the best date last night. The best date in a long time. (Maybe, ever?) He's 30, works in consulting and has been back in the city for about a year. We met up at 7:30 to have a drink at Zengo, but it was super packed so we moved to Rare. It was one of those dates where you basically spend the time saying, "Me, too!" to everything. We like the same scotch the same way (single malt from Islay, neat), have the same silly favorite number and same silly reasons for loving that number (16), love the same 90's bands (Counting Crows - forever and always), adore spending Friday nights alone, AND in an insane twist, he went to high school with Aries!!
Needless to say, we were at Rare from 7:30 to 12:30. We had awesome rare truffle burgers and fries, and really great conversation. I found myself at one point not being able to concentrate because I was thinking about how much I wanted to kiss him. I never, ever feel this way - especially not after only one date. I'm more of the 'slow burn' type. Hell, even with my ex whom I loved, I didn't feel much for him until many dates in.
We walked outside afterwards and I leaned in to kiss him, actually. That point has me a bit paranoid (like I said, I've never felt this way before!) but hours earlier the bartender had asked if we were heading out, and he said 'no, let's have one more' so it's obvious he was enjoying himself, too.
Ok, to pull myself down to earth here, there are some red flags. The divorced thing - he moved out in February, and they signed the papers in November. So it was not that long ago. My parents are divorced, I know that it does a number on you no matter how long you were married or what assets you shared. Second, he mentioned he had 'trust issues'. I asked if it was from the divorce and he said, "No"... so I don't really know what that means.
My mom, of course said, "No wonder you like him - you always date the unavailable man because you have trust issues, too". Nothing like a phone call to Mom to totally burst the euphoria bubble.
Oh well, I was grinning like a fool on the subway this morning. That was a nice feeling.
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