The male ego is a delicate thing. You have to know how to mold and caress your words to smooth over a major issue. I am taking suggestions on how to do that when it comes to sex and a sensitive relationship.
When I first met this person I was taken back by everything! I was in awe of the person he is, overcome by my immediate emotional attachment, and excited about the promise of amazing sex when I felt the chemistry like a lightning bolt after our first kiss.
Cut to three sex scenes later......
I find myself in bed listening to his compliments and wondering what the hell he just experienced?
It's like he is either:
A. Is/was a virgin?
B. A closet gay
C. Clueless as he has only been with one woman in college
I have never been so confused by a man's actions or lack there of in bed? When he wants to have sex, he just says so indirectly? The second time it was almost like he was too shy to even say the word "sex". The third time was the first time he actually initiated it by sort of touching me first. I am used to men basically tackling me and touching every square inch of my body when they are in the mood. This suitor was more aggressive about it when we initially rolled around like teenagers, in a PG way before he stayed over?
I have started testing the boundaries, which has only led to more confusion. For instance, I asked him what his favorite sex positions are. I can answer that question in .2 seconds, as can most people. He looked at me and rattled off something about the position not really mattering it is more the moment. Before we fell asleep I told him he had to "fuck me in the morning". He smiled and held me closer as we both drifted off into our own dreams. When I woke up, he was all smiles and held me without one sexual caress. The condom is still on my night stand! As he was gathering his things to leave, I stood on my bed completely naked. His eyes did not move from mine. He didn't even do a quick once over?? He just kept his eyes on mine and gave me a long hug and quick kiss goodbye? Is he being sweet and respectful or is he asexual and scared?
I know he has A LOT going on and most guys get stuck in the tunnel vision blinders, but is that it? Can he be the perfect man, with no game? Can something like this be fixed? Is it possible he just needs the right woman to mold and shape his sex skills? All I know is that I am getting frustrated fast with this one.
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