I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Scorpio & I find ourselves officially exhausted after this weekend. We are both living parallel lives right now with an insane amount of things on our plate. We both are feeling pressure in our jobs, dealing with complicated personal relationships, working through intense and painful emotions for 14 hours every weekend in October, while trying to remain healthy, creative, and stylish.
The volunteer work that we are training for has really thrown us out of the New Yorkers routine of crazy Friday nights, wasteful Saturdays, and relaxing Sundays.
As Scorpio mentioned we will share more about this mysterious volunteer work, which is extremely important to us, once we have a moment to decompress and get our thoughts together. All I have been able to do is meditate, eat pounds of chocolate, watch Golden Girls, and fall asleep at 8pm.
The volunteer organization keeps telling us to treat and take care of ourselves. Here is a preview of some of our tools in photos (including my decompression tonight watching the breathtaking sunset on the WSH):
I think only NYC would create rat shaped pastries

It literally takes us an hour to commute one way every Saturday & Sunday morning and afternoon!! Who knew the West Village was so far from the Upper East Side!

Our volunteer training requires eating comfort food :-) It's actually stated in the manual.

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