I went on a lovely first date on Tuesday with a guy from Match that I had blown off for at least a month. I decided to give him a chance once the craziness from Fashion Week subsided. We made arrangements to have him pick me up a few blocks from my apartment. My eyes lit up when he stepped out of the cab to open the door for me and greet me with a kiss. He was much cuter in person and did not lie about his height! He is tall, built, dark hair, and light baby blue eyes. I was really happy and comfortable around him, which is not usual for me on a first date.
When we arrived at Lupa, he opened the door and took my coat. He won me over with the sentence "would you like to start off with a glass of prosecco?" I have not had a man do this since I was in the South of France, other than my bartender friends at Rose Bar. I felt like Renee Zellweger in Jerry MaGuire "You had me at hello". We drank a giant glass of the most amazing sparkling Rose, followed by a delicious bottle of German wine. We somehow started talking about abortion over beets with pistachio sauce and roasted brussel sprouts. We reached a lighter conversation by the time the main coarse arrived. I ordered a butternut squash pasta dish that melted in my mouth like butter. He begged me to share some chocolate dessert, but I did not want to tarnish my love affair with the wine.
Just before the check, he moved his chair closer to me and touched my lower back. It was like some mating dance to let me know he was really interested. He asked me out for another day that week. He helped me with my coat, opened the door, and walked me to hail a cab. He had a really early business meeting the next day, so we would part on Houston. I leaned into him to block the frigid wind, which he took as a sign to kiss me. We ended up kissing for what felt like 10 minutes, letting many cabs pass us by. Finally, one just stopped behind us anyway so I decided to get in. He opened the door, leaned in, and kissed me goodnight. It was the perfect first date.
He called me and text me throughout the next day and asked me out that night. I had plans, but he tried to see me before or after. That didn't happen, but I thought he was sweet to ask. We made vague plans for the next night. I ended up getting drinks with a couple of coworkers, then made my way to his place around 10pm. When I first arrived he was still in his suit from work and walked out brushing his teeth? I was caught of guard by this thinking he is a little too comfortable to do that in front of me? He walked over, kissed me, and held my hand. He had set up a vodka and scotch tasting, that we had talked about on our first date. We were going to go out, but ended up making out on his couch. It started to get hot and heavy, when he led me into his bedroom. I gave in, despite feeling a little slutty, and it was great. He asked me to stay and held me all night. The cuddling was the best I have had. We could sleep face to face and not get annoyed by each other's breathing. We woke up slowly and he made the move to have sex again. We ended up in a new position that I want to add to the usual roster. He suggested taking the day off from work and just staying in bed, but I was not ready for that. I jumped in the shower, where he opened the door to watch me and shave. When I got out, grabbed me and kissed me. I was starting to feel like we had been in this relationship for awhile. Why were we both so comfortable with each other?
I made his bed and cleaned a few things off of his floor. I don't know why, as this is too domestic for me and for a casual encounter. I was sitting on his couch combing my hair, when he asked me if I wanted a toothbrush. I said yes, if he happened to have an extra one. He opened it and handed it to me.
"Thank you for letting me steal your toothbrush." I said
His reply started a massive wave of anxiety.
"Steal? You can take it with you if you want, but I think you should leave it here to use when you come over."
Isn't this the classic 80's movie line to signal a serious relationship? I didn't know what to say, so I just gave him a quick hug. "Next time you can bring a few things over and leave them here." he said with a smile
I did a 180 and walked into the bathroom. He followed me and hugged me from behind as he watched me in the mirror.
"Are you going to watch me brush my teeth?" I snapped
He laughed and walked out.
I finished brushing and stuck it in one of the four toothbrush holders. I took a step back and looked at it as if I was admiring a Picasso. I couldn't make sense of it. All I could think of was losing my freedom and newly found fuck buddy. Could I not give up wild sex, flirting, and late nights out for an amazing stable man? I walked out of the bathroom and collected my things. He stood in front of me smiling sweetly, as if he was looking at his girlfriend. I knew I was really attracted to him, but then started to pick him apart. I was looking for any excuse to not end up using that toothbrush again, but nothing came to mind. I would stop myself from saying anything that wasn't safe and sweet.
It was raining so he offered me an umbrella and directions to the subway. He kissed me and said he would call me later. I felt like I was in a Leave It To Beaver episode. I do not have coping skills for normalcy in a relationship! This is what I have wanted, so I cannot run away from it. Is he right for me? I don't know, but I need to at least give it some time.
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