... when a date is on the line.
So my great luck was bound to run out sometime. That time happened to be 8 PM Thursday. I should've realized when he took his profile down immediately after asking me out (a week and a half prior) that something was up.
I got to Brinkley's about five minutes late. He said he was already there... but as I walked around I couldn't see the 6'1" quite handsome man who'd been making me laugh with his texts all week. I finally realized it was his twin (and by twin I mean the Arnold Schwartzenegger/Danny DeVito type). This guy was all Danny.
He was 5'8" on a good day, and about 30 lbs heavier than advertised. I was exhaused from my grueling dating schedule but managed to take a deep breath and steel myself for the longest hour of my life.
And then it got interesting. He mentioned he had a 44-year-old sister in Conneticut. I said, "Married, with kids?"
"Actually, she just got out of jail, for the fourth time. She's a pretty big time drug dealer."
I'll let that sink in for a moment.
It then became obvious during his retelling of the events that he was not so innocent himself. He taught me some facinating things: How to bury money in the yard so it doesn't rot (Hint: Lyme and dryer sheets) and how to transport goods across the US (UPS).
He also told me about a great weekend he'd just passed in Vegas at Rehab with his friends. They had a whole bag of X and a few strippers who went above & beyond the job requirement.
At that point I stiffled a yawn and said I had to get home. He asked if I wanted to wait for him to close out, and I said, "No, I really have to be going, but thank you."
The shocking thing is - he thinks it went well. He asked me out again.
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