If I thought Thursday's date was amazing - Friday's blew him out of the water. I met Jason - The Stats: 29, 6'5", Princeton PhD, Fulbright scholar, speaks 7 languages.
We met at a little grad student bar near NYU and talked for 5 hours. His parents are both psychologists like mine, so he and I speak the same language - we're both always hypothosizing about people's motives and motivators. I've never found anyone else who is interested in thinking about things the way I am - it was just so relaxed. He's a feminist, as close to his family as I am mine, and he's a skier!
Honestly - as I said before, the reason I joined Match was to re-educate myself about choosing the right men: good men, with kind hearts and a great education. For years I've chosen men the opposite of me (another form of commitmentphobia) and I just realized I need to cut it out and date men worth my time. I don't need to be explaining basic concepts to my dates anymore. I don't need to suffer under the pressure of a man who thinks women are stereotypes. And I really don't need men holding me back, intellectually, emotionally, etc.
So, in true nerd fashion, I made a list of traits I'm looking for an ideal partner. And Jason, he fits ALL OF THEM. Even the silly ones like 'plays guitar' and 'has a younger sister' (I find men with sisters are more comfortable with intimacy - and a younger sister means he knows how to be protective).
At the end of the evening, I didn't even kiss him. He and I had already planned our second date, and I just kind of felt like, we have all of this time... (Plus, I'd kissed every other date, and it kind of felt cheap to be kissing him after the previous nights).
Fast forward to last night - our second date. Jason drove down from Princeton, with a sprained ankle (from basketball) in the "wintery mix" storm to see me. He brought me a book we had been talking about last week. I made him some of my favorite homemade chocolate chip cookies. He took me to this great coffee shop in Brooklyn where we sank into the couches and talked and laughed for hours.
At one point, he was in the middle of telling me about how Homer may not have written the Iliad and Odyssey - and in fact he may not have even existed - when he stopped mid-sentance.
"What?" I said
He turned a little bit red and looked away for a second.
"You're just really so beautiful" he said earnestly. "I lost my train of thought"
Say it with me, "Awwwwww"
You can bet I kissed him after that!
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