I just finished watching this random show, Southern Belles, on Hulu.
It is like Sex in the City and The Kardashians, southern style. The shows drama seems to be that these women are completely freaked out about being 30 and sweating the fact that their lives are not 100% together. Of coarse the main focus is placed on the lack of a husband and kids. I understand this pressure being raised in the south. I think 90% of the girls in my high school class are married with 1.5 kids. Two years ago, I went to a baby shower and this old southern woman grabbed my left hand and shrieked "you're not married!?"
Do I need a serious life plan before turning 30? I think it is hitting me as many of my liberal northern friends are starting to settle down. I see all of these massive diamonds on the fingers of girls five years younger than me. There must be some koolaid in the office that I am not drinking because everyone around me is pregnant. It really makes you feel good when your closest coworker comes up to you and announces that she is 6 months pregnant, followed by "I mean I am almost 30 so it's now or never!" The pressures of an aging female are endless and quite serious. I recently made a mental check list of things to change by next spring: career, apartment, love life, health....(do I need to go any further as that is basically everything)!
My answer is apparently retail therapy. What does almost $500 of Nars products look like... I went in for a blush and walked out with a full makeover and too many wrinkle fighting face products.

Did I mention that I made an appointment to chop off about 5 inches of my hair, had a tattoo consultation, and bought a new smoking device on St. Marks today? Yeh, I don't even think a new pair of Jimmy Choos could solve this coming crisis.
Being 29 (or whatever) is really not out of the ordinary to be single for an NYC professional woman. I find that a lot of people who get married young are genuinely in love, but a lot of them have just run out of things to do. A lot of people I know say you shouldn't even think about getting married until you're at least 30, and preferably later. You'll find a better match the more you know who you are. And not that I know you beyond this blog, but you're out there having fun, and you're certainly not having a tough time landing a dude. You're enjoying what you've got, and if you thow it all away before you're ready just so you don't feel like an outlier, I suspect you'll regret it and do things in your rushed marriage that you categorized as behaving like a rat in your other post. Just a thought.