About Me

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Two five-ten blondes fighting against the stereotype to find love, success, and a way to pay the rent. *** We're passionate about our seriously stressful careers in the apex of the luxury fashion world. (No, it's not like the Devil Wears Prada- our Devils only wear custom and pay for their anonymity.) *** We're on the search for the elusive 'great' guy (who must be intimidated because we can't find him anywhere). Being 5'10" and blonde is a double-edged sword. Our stories are fucking ridiculous. *** Fortunately and unfortunately for us, we share the same story as millions of women who have been violated: we are determined to make a difference in the lives of women who have seen too much. *** WELCOME TO OUR WORLD.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Breed

True Story:

This past Thursday night I went on the same date with two men. My gay friend arranged this date with another man, who insisted that he take BOTH of us to dinner? He approached my gay friend in a bar the week before, where I made a 5 second introduction and went about my night. So, I found it very strange that he was insisting I join this date with my friend? We decided to just go with it and see how the night evolved.

I met my friend outside and we walked in to the unknown at The Darby. This man is in his late 30's or early 40's, a well known doctor, apparently married with two young kids, multiple houses, the usual find in New York. For the first hour of dinner he only had eyes for my friend. I assumed he wanted me there to be the "beard" for his sexuality in public. So I munched on my shrimp and watched the live entertainment. Kimberley Locke (American Idol) sang an amazing version of "At Last" while her dinner date, Joey Fatone (NSYNC), looked on.

Then the tables turned and this guy only focused on me? This may be the 7th man in the last 6 months who I would swear is gay, but then says he is straight? I have been spending time with another one, who I didn't even question was gay, until he made advances on me and only talks about his past relationships with women? This became the same story! This doctor admitted that his sexuality is usually questioned. He then cornered me at the next bar and said he put this night together just to spend time with me? I was furiously sipping cocktails and wondering how this man's brain works. He tells me that his wife is the person he knows he will spend the rest of his life with, but she is not the last person he is going to have sex with. His marriage isn't open, it is basically "don't ask, don't tell". At that, I excused myself and found other friends in the bar.

Creeps are all over Manhattan, but are men really now pretending to be gay to pick up straight women??


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Babies on the Brain

As I scroll through my friends on Facebook, I find more and more babies in the profile pictures. I would say about 98% of my high school class is married and maybe 75% with kids. It makes you start to think you are either doing something wrong or live in an alternate universe.

I stumbled across this article in the New York Post and realized I made a life choice years ago. Maybe women in New York do live in an alternate universe? My maternal instincts have been suppressed with aggression to even walk down the city streets. I eat out virtually every meal, so I can't consider myself domestic. I can't decide if it is a lack of Mr. Right or just not meant to be right now?

“You don’t move to New York when you’re 23 years old with $500 in your suitcase because you want to live in the suburbs, meet a nice guy and have two kids,” says Maureen Taran.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/we_say_no_to_babies_and_yes_to_nyc_2i0q9vs7bKt4pcQfhbYNVO#ixzz1V23KfcnP


Monday, August 1, 2011

Pulling a Jennifer Aniston

I woke up one morning and realized how much time and emotional energy I have wasted on idiots and decided to banish men from my bedroom. I have turned my focus to getting in shape and reinventing my image. I have literally been running my ass off, toning with Pilates and pretending to focus on better nutrition. I am focused on finding a new career path and perfecting my networking skills. The only wrench in my plan has been lack of sleep and constant alcohol consumption. I labeled this new journey "pulling a Jennifer Aniston" because she has also kissed one too many frogs and retreated for a bit, only to come back in sexy fighting shape.

The new InStyle Makeover Issue points out a few other celebs who have reinvented themselves to become Hollywood gold. I am not looking to become an actress, but I would like to mirror their beauty and success. If these women all went from simple frizzy brunettes to fashion icons, we all can!


Thursday, July 28, 2011


Boo took me to another happy hour event at a small store on Bond Street. The talented June Ambrose and Catherine Malandrino flitted around the store like gorgeous swans. We tried on turbans, eyeballed gay sugar daddies, posed for bloggers, and drank free champagne.

We stopped for a quick bite at the Crosby Hotel, before sipping more champagne at 60 Thompson. We were both exhausted from the week so we gave Jimmys (James Hotel) a shot and ended up sharing an elevator ride with Joe Jonas, who has to be top 3 shortest men I have come across. He is like Olsen Twin small.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Reasons to Love NYC

The day started as "hump day" and ended as a true NYC evening, spontaneous and hilarious! I spent Wednesday early evening poolside at the Dream Hotel. My friend "Boo" is connected with Jay-Z's assistant, who produced a show to promote an upcoming swimwear line.

It was a lovely event that was also sponsored by Grey Goose.....so 3 double vodka on the rocks later we were off to explore and after sweet talking a few doormen we found the next hot spot of NYC! Expect to hear about it just before Fashion Week...but here is a sneak preview!

We ended the night laughing with a top NY PR rep and her LA gal pals at our favorite hotel hang out. I love just letting the city take you to places you least expect.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer Treats in the City

If you find yourself in New York City this summer...may I recommend the following:

Tipsy Parson-156 9th Avenue
*Best Southern food by far, with the modern charm of Charleston, South Carolina*

My friend and I devoured Mac n Cheese, biscuits, fried pickles and Sweet Tea vodka iced teas!

The James Hotel-27 Grand Street
*Great pool on the roof without a door policy (although I see that changing)*

The Highline-Westside by Little West 12th up through the 30's)
*Though it can be hot and crowded, the art and design is impressive and unique to New York*
