A few weekends ago, Jason mentioned that one of his aunts has cancer and at best, a few months to live. He invited me to join him in visiting her that weekend, but I declined thinking it best to meet the family during a less stressful time.
Last weekend was supposed to be that time. He asked me to come upstate with him on Saturday and spend the day with his family. Sensing I probably couldn't get away with saying No twice, I agreed.
On the car ride up, he asked me if I was nervous. I thought about it and said, "No, not really." I guess he took that as a challenge.
"Ok, so you'll be meeting my aunt Pat and uncle Jim, older cousins Debbie and John, his son John, cousins Sandy and Dave, their children Joey and Jake. And of course, my mom and dad. Oh, and it was kind of Pat's dying wish to meet you. Don't be alarmed, she is not going to look good
at all."
Of course, he saved this little speech for the driveway. I sat there, frozen. Visions of my grandmother's last days flashed through my head. I could not keep it together for her, how was I going to handle a stranger near death?
I said, "I hope you realize that you're asking a huge thing of me. At least I had the decency to dole out my family one member at a time! We are moving at warp speed here, it's only been a month!!" He just looked at me patiently, and said in a smooth voice, "You're going to be great - they'll love you."
I breathed.
As we entered the house I was immediately put at ease. The place was lovely and his family seemed warm and kind. I helped myself to a drink and attempted to slow my heartbeat while I waited for his parent's & aunt's arrival. Soon the house was filled with people - probably 30 in all. It seems his cousins had invite the neighborhood. Considering my entire family is three people, I was a bit overwhelmed. Jason was great about staying with me and making me feel safe.
Once his aunt arrived, she asked to meet me. I was led into the room, a little nervous at what I might see. She actually looked great for her condition and I was instantly relieved. She took my hand in hers and talked to me for ten minutes. Her whole face lit up when she saw me, it was so sweet.
Later, Jason and I took a hike in the woods nearby. We ended up getting completely lost and had to run about a mile back along the highway looking for the car. It was so much fun. We made it back in time for dessert and a little chat with his parents.
I didn't get a chance to talk to his parents too much - it's kinda hard with 30 people to meet! I was a little nervous that I didn't do as well with them as I would've liked, but Jason later told me that his aunt said I was beautiful and had such a kind demeanor, and his mother said that I
fit right in with the family.
This weekend, Jason's at bat. He's meeting my mother and her fiancee....I've saved the best (and most difficult) for last. My mother is
quite hard to please. I probably won't tell him that until we're at the doorway, though!